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5 Benefits to Reading As A Facility Manager

5 Benefits to Reading As A Facility Manager


What Are 5 Reasons I Should Stay Well Read As A Facility Manager?

A well-rounded knowledge base informs better judgments on everything from equipment selection to energy efficiency strategies. As a facility manager, understanding human behavior and organizational dynamics can enhance leadership skills. Exposure to new ideas and perspectives can spark innovation in facility management processes and services. Ultimately, a well-read facility manager is better equipped to optimize building performance, enhance occupant satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of the organization. Here’s 5 areas that you will see direct improvement if you are well read: 

1. Industry Trends and Best Practices:
  • New technologies: Learn about emerging technologies like IoT, AI, and automation that can improve facility operations.
  • Sustainability: Discover innovative approaches to energy efficiency, waste reduction, and green building practices.
  • Workplace trends: Understand evolving workplace designs and strategies to enhance employee productivity and well-being.
2. Problem-Solving and Decision Making:
  • Case studies: Analyze real-world challenges and successful solutions to apply to their own facilities.
  • Strategic thinking: Develop a broader perspective on facility management and its impact on the organization.
  • Risk management: Identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
3. Professional Development:
  • Knowledge expansion: Gain a deeper understanding of facility management principles and theories.
  • Skill enhancement: Learn new skills and techniques to improve performance.
  • Career advancement: Demonstrate commitment to professional growth and stay competitive in the job market.
4. Cost-Efficiency:
  • Operational optimization: Discover strategies to reduce costs while maintaining service levels.
  • Maintenance best practices: Learn how to extend equipment life and reduce maintenance expenses.
  • Energy management: Implement energy-saving measures to lower utility bills.
5. Compliance and Risk Mitigation:
  • Regulatory updates: Stay informed about changes in building codes, safety regulations, and environmental laws.
  • Emergency preparedness: Develop plans for handling emergencies and disasters.
  • Security measures: Learn about the latest security technologies and best practices.

By staying informed through reading the latest books, facility managers can position themselves as leaders in the industry, make informed decisions, and contribute to the overall success of their organizations.

Recommended Reading from Armour Roof Co. :

We love to read at Armour Roof Co. It seems like every department at our company has a niche topic they like to read up on and share with the team. A recommendation we have for your company is:

10x is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More By Doing Less, Dan Sullivan

The basic theme of the book is that one should aim high. And that while growing incrementally is natural, growing exponentially is where the real adventure begins. When we aim to grow 10x, we do things very differently. Here, growing 10x does not mean become 10 times wealthier or earning 10 times more. It simply means becoming a far better version of yourself than you could have imagined. Becoming 10x, does not mean that you have to become 10 times better than others. You only have to be 20% better than the rest of the world to be far ahead of the pack. Dan uses the line, “How you do anything is how you do everything.”

 In summary, reading expands a facility manager’s knowledge base, improves problem-solving skills, and enhances decision-making abilities. Staying informed about industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements is crucial for success. Additionally, strong communication and leadership skills, often developed through reading, are essential for managing teams and building relationships. Ultimately, a well-read facility manager can optimize building performance, increase occupant satisfaction, and contribute to overall organizational success. What are some books that your team is passionate about? We’d love to hear about them at Armour Roof Co.