After examining the state of your existing metal roof, we give the entire roof a thorough wash using high-power cleaning products and a pressure washing. The next step in the metal roof restoration process is the application of a rust-inhibiting primer to halt the progression of any existing rust and prevent further rusting. Then the first layer of the base coat is carefully applied to each seam before rolling in the extremely durable Spunflex fabric over the base coat, ensuring that it is fully embedded in each roof seam. Each fastener is then tightened down before being covered in a pliable caulking compound that is designed to last 30 years. We finish by applying a white topcoat over the entire surface in a seamless layer. This fully protects all seams, protecting your metal roof from further rust and sun damage, and it keeps your fasteners from ever loosening.
If you’re unsure if this will work out for your commercial roof, don’t worry. We offer free consultations and can help determine the best option for your roof. Give us a call at (402) 289-7869 or fill out our contact form to discuss our metal roof coating services with a member of our team.
Metal Roof Coating Systems in Omaha
Halt the spread of rust and stop loosening fasteners
What are Metal Roof Coating Systems?
Metal roof coating systems are ideal for:
Corrugated Metal Roofs
Standing Seam Metal Roofs
Painted Metal Roofs
Previously Coated Metal Roofs
What does the metal roof coating application process look like?
What are the advantages of metal roof coating systems?
How do I know if Metal Roof Coatings are the right solution for my roof?
Stop Your Leaky Roof Today