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Industrial Roofers: Why Should I Know My Clifton Strengths?

Industrial Roofers: Why Should I Know My Clifton Strengths?


3 Reasons Why Industrial Roofers Should Know Their CliftonStrengths:

Understanding one’s CliftonStrengths is invaluable in any role. At Armour Roof Co. we love our team. Particularly working within our strengths as one. It takes many roles to have our team run smoothly. If one aspect is missing, our team feels it. From marketing to foreman, CliftonStrengths helps our team know how to interact best to get the job done. CliftonStrengths aren’t just for those sitting behind a desk, as industrial roofers, we use them all the time. Here are some examples where we see them come into play in our industry:

1.Effective Team Building:

  • Identify complementary strengths: A foreman interacts with a diverse team, including marketing, sales, crew, and sub contractors. Knowing your strengths can help you identify where you excel and delegate tasks to team members whose strengths complement yours.
  • Leverage team potential: By understanding the strengths of your team, you can create a high-performing unit where everyone’s talents are utilized effectively. Someone in sales needs to excel at communication just as a foreman or project manager does to their crew. However, harmony or empathy might not readily appear.
  • Empathy and communication: Strengths like Empathy and Communication can significantly enhance team interactions. Understanding your communication style can help you build rapport and resolve conflicts efficiently. They are effective tools on a leadership team or HR. They help to bridge gaps and solve communication breakdowns between team members, because they can visuaize how a situation would make them feel. They are often deliberative and analytical as well, where someone who needs to make moves in the moment would be better suited to another position.
  • Tailored service: Clients have varying needs. Knowing your strengths allows you to provide personalized service that meets their specific requirements. Armour Roof Co. prides ourselves on our customer service and being a different experience than most roofing clients can find them in. We want to be there to answer the phone, talk through obstacles, and tackle your issue. What can we say? We have achievers and competition in our CliftonStrengths on the team! When we do something, we want it to be the best experience possible.

2. Enhanced Problem-Solving:

  • Strategic thinking: Strengths like Strategic Thinking and Analytical Thinking can be crucial for addressing roofing challenges. A project manager who understands their problem-solving strengths can tackle issues more effectively.
  • Quick decision-making: By recognizing your strengths, you can make faster and more confident decisions, especially in high-pressure situations.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction:
  • As a leader, if you administer the CliftonStrengths in your team and work within them, Gallup has produced the following statistics for your employees:
  • 6x more engaged at work
  • 78% more productive in their role
  • 23% increased employee engagement
  • Alignment with role: When someone in marketing, sales or project manager works in a role that aligns with their strengths, they are more likely to feel engaged and satisfied with their job.
  • Reduced burnout: Understanding your strengths can help you avoid tasks that drain your energy and focus on activities that energize you.

3. Career Advancement:

  • Identifying strengths: Recognizing your CliftonStrengths can help you identify areas for professional development and growth.
  • Targeted skill development: Focusing on developing your strengths can enhance your career prospects within the property management industry.

Name it/Aim it/Claim it:

According to a Gallup poll, our communication is broken down into:

  • 56% body language
  • 37% tone of voice
  • 7% of what is actually said

Your Gallup Strengths are present even when you aren’t vocalizing or verbalizing them. Debbie likened it to having blue eyes. It’s something you can’t help and are born with. Yes, you could wear contacts and a mask that you have, but they are still there. This means that your strengths and weaknesses are always there. You can develop and improve your weaknesses, but your strengths go with you wherever you go. They even impact your route to work and how you grocery shop. They are unique to you, 1 in 33 million combinations of Gallup combinations. According to Debbie, find out what’s right about people rather than what’s wrong.

Why Should I Discover My CliftonStrengths?

Ever wondered what makes you truly unique? 

The answer might lie in your CliftonStrengths. This powerful framework, developed by Gallup, helps you identify your natural talents and transform them into strengths.

This morning, at my Apartment Association of Nebraska Meeting our speaker, Debbie Kohl, was a certified Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. She shared information on her practice of discovering the importance of knowing and understanding your CliftonStrengths when running any business. Through her speech she discussed the added benefits of hiring with strengths in mind, the benefits of a well-rounded team, and how knowing each other’s strengths (or superpowers, as she called them) allows you to have better communication in your daily lives at work and at home.

CliftonStrengths: Your Unique Talent DNA

What are CliftonStrengths?

CliftonStrengths aren’t just about what you’re good at; they’re about what comes naturally to you. These are your innate talents that, when developed, become your superpowers. Imagine discovering activities that feel effortless and enjoyable – that’s your strength in action!

CliftonStrengths is a framework developed by Gallup that helps individuals discover and develop their natural talents into strengths. It’s based on the idea that everyone has unique patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior that can be harnessed for success.

Key points about CliftonStrengths:

  • Focus on strengths: Unlike many personality assessments, CliftonStrengths focuses on what you’re naturally good at rather than areas for improvement.
  • 34 CliftonStrengths themes: 34 different talent themes are identified through the CliftonStrengths assessment.
  • Personalized insights: The evaluation provides a detailed report outlining your top five talents and how to develop them into strengths.
  • Practical application: The framework offers guidance on using your strengths in various areas of life, including career, relationships, and personal growth.

Why Discover Your CliftonStrengths?

Understanding your CliftonStrengths can be a game-changer. Here’s why:

  • Self-awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what drives you.
  • Career satisfaction: Find a job or career that aligns with your natural talents.
  • Improved relationships: Build stronger connections by understanding your strengths and those of others.
  • Increased confidence: Embrace your unique abilities and boost your self-esteem.

How Do I Discover Your CliftonStrengths?

The first step is to take the CliftonStrengths Assessment. This online tool provides insights into your top five talents and how to develop them into strengths.

Once you have your results, dive deeper:

  • Reflect on your strengths: Consider how these strengths have shown up in your life.
  • Identify patterns: Look for recurring themes in your experiences.
  • Explore possibilities: Consider how you can leverage your strengths in different areas of life.

How Can I Put My Strengths into Action?

Knowing your CliftonStrengths is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you put them to work. Here are some tips:

  • Focus on your top five: Concentrate on developing these strengths to their fullest potential.
  • Seek opportunities: Look for ways to use your strengths in your daily life and career.
  • Build on your strengths: Continuously learn and grow in areas where you excel.
  • Share your strengths: Inspire others by sharing your unique talents.

Remember: Your CliftonStrengths are your personal roadmap to success and fulfillment. By understanding and embracing them, you’ll unlock a world of possibilities.

In summary, by understanding and leveraging their CliftonStrengths, your team can become more effective leaders, improve client satisfaction, and build successful careers. CliftonStrengths are increasingly being seen in LinkedIn profile taglines to appeal to employers seeking team members, on resumes, and put into practice in daily operations. Knowing how your particular strengths can be leveraged and optimized to assist your team and business growth helps you work on your strengths and put your passion into practice.

Have you taken the CliftonStrengths Assessment?

Share your top five strengths in the comments below, and let’s inspire each other!
