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3 of the Most Common Obstacles Facility Managers Face

3 of the Most Common Obstacles Facility Managers Face


Common Obstacles Facility Managers Face

Facility managers constantly grapple with keeping a building operational, comfortable, and cost-efficient. Here are some of the top budget concerns they face:

1. Balancing Preventative vs. Reactive maintenance:

Preventative maintenance, like regular equipment inspections and servicing, can help prevent costly breakdowns in the future. However, allocating a budget to these practices can be challenging, especially when faced with immediate repair needs. Striking a balance between preventative measures and reactive repairs is crucial for long-term cost savings.

2. Rising Costs of Materials and Labor:

The cost of building materials, utilities, and labor has steadily increased in recent years. Rising costs put pressure on facility manager budgets to maintain the same level of service within shrinking financial resources. Finding creative solutions to source materials, negotiate with vendors, and explore energy-saving measures can become essential.

  • Unforeseen repairs: Buildings are complex systems, and unexpected issues can arise anytime. A leaky roof, a malfunctioning HVAC system, or a sudden plumbing problem can significantly strain the budget if no funds are set aside for emergencies. Building a contingency fund specifically for unexpected repairs can be a wise strategy.

3. Competing Priorities: 

Facility managers often juggle multiple demands besides maintenance. Tenant requests, building security, and ensuring compliance with regulations all require attention and resources. Effectively communicating needs and priorities to stakeholders becomes crucial to securing budgetary allocations for essential maintenance tasks.

  • Limited resources: Many facility managers work with lean teams and tight budgets. Limited Resources can make it challenging to keep up with preventative maintenance schedules, conduct regular inspections, and address issues promptly. Prioritization and delegation become essential skills to maximize the impact within limited resources.
  • Lack of awareness from building owners: Sometimes, building owners don’t fully understand the importance of investing in facility maintenance. Convincing them of the long-term cost benefits of preventative measures and adequate budgeting can be an ongoing challenge for facility managers. Data-driven reporting and clear communication of potential consequences of deferred maintenance can be persuasive tools.
  • Rapidly evolving technology: The facility management industry constantly adopts new technologies, from intelligent building automation systems to IoT-enabled sensors for monitoring equipment health. While these advancements can offer significant efficiency gains in the long run, the upfront costs of implementing new technologies can be a hurdle for facility managers with limited budgets. Carefully evaluating the return on investment (ROI) becomes crucial before adopting new technologies.

Understanding these common budget concerns can help facility managers develop strategies to navigate financial limitations. Resourcefulness, clear communication, and a focus on long-term cost benefits are essential for securing the resources they need to keep their facilities running smoothly and efficiently.

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