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What Are Ways To Enhance Your Company Culture?

What Are Ways To Enhance Your Company Culture?


What Are Positive Steps To Improve Company Culture?

At Armour Roof Co., we take great pride in focusing on our company culture. We feel that a business without a strong culture leads to company turnover, burnout, and a less invested team. A strong company culture is essential for employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Here are some strategies to enhance your company culture:

How Do I Define and Communicate Our Company Culture?

  • Clearly Define Your Company Values: Ensure everyone understands and embodies them. This should be something done as a team or that the leadership team is very vocal and transparent about. Why should people buy into your culture?

Our Core Values at Armour Roof Co. are all over our workspace and integrated into our daily lives. These were well thought out, meditated upon, and thoroughly put into practice every day. 

  1. Team Player: Helps others win by working towards the collective good of the team.
  2. Excellence: Pursues excellence in all aspects of your role by improving daily.
  3. Positive Attitude: Maintains a consistently positive attitude to internal and external stakeholders.
  4. Driven and Persistent: Never gives up and works through challenges and obstacles.
  • Open Communication: Foster a culture of transparency and honesty. Communication can make or break a team dynamic. Ensure there is time for communication both formally and informally. Reviews for the leadership team and team members are essential so that everyone can be held accountable and hear back from their teammates about where they excel and where improvements are needed. 
  • Employee Involvement: Encourage input on company culture. This also includes communication! Find out what your team would like to see and have as events. Dictating the culture to people isn’t something that should be done. Encourage everyone to have a voice and enjoy coming up with ideas. 

How Do I Foster A Positive Work Environment?

  • Employee recognition: Appreciate and reward employees for their contributions. Get into the practice of encouraging employees and cheering them on. People work harder for a team that they feel appreciated and seen. 
  • Work-life balance: Prioritize employee well-being and offer flexible work arrangements. Understand reasonable requests for family time, doctor appointments, and personal space. Your employees will work harder on the clock if they are seen as human off the clock. 
  • Team-building: Strengthen relationships through team-building activities. See to it that your employees interact with each other beyond emails and brief phone calls or passing each other in the halls. You’ll have more harmony in the workplace, and people will enjoy coming to work more. Set up some events that give people some respite from their busy days to spend time talking and catching up. 
  • Continuous learning: Invest in employee development and growth. Encourage people to grow their skills and what they bring to the table. Have them take a class, attend a seminar and give a teach back, or attend that networking event. 

How Do I Build Trust and Respect As A Leader?

  • Leadership by example: Demonstrate the desired behaviors. As a leadership team member, be up for your own review and hear feedback from those who may rank below you. It’s essential to give people a voice, whether anonymous or not, to voice their opinions. 
  • Fairness and equity: Treat all employees with respect and equality.
  • Open-door policy: Encourage open communication and feedback.

How Do I Create a Sense of Belonging For My Team?

  • Diversity and inclusion: Foster a welcoming environment for all employees.
  • Social events: Organize company-wide events to build camaraderie.
  • Mentorship programs: Help employees grow and develop.

How Can I Measure and Improve Our Culture?

  • Employee surveys: Gather feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Culture audits: Assess the current state of your company culture.
  • Set goals: Establish specific objectives for culture enhancement.

Again, we love to practice what we preach at Armour Roof Co. We love our team and want to see each of them thrive in their skills. Teamwork makes the dream work. Your goal should be to have core values and a culture that isn’t just lip service. To walk in those values daily so that your values become your culture. We are proud to say we have that at Armour Roof Co. We’d love to hear what you do at your company to have the same!

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