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Do I Need a Public Adjuster for My Commercial Roof?

Commercial RoofingApril 15, 20180

Do I Need a Public Adjuster for My Commercial Roof?

Why Do I Need a Public Adjuster?

It’s well known that Nebraska and other nearby states are prone to severe wind and hail storms. It’s also no secret that nearly every asphalt shingle roof will be replaced and paid for by insurance at some point in it’s lifespan. But did you know that commercial roofs are often just as susceptible these hail and wind storms? Interestingly, however, a very small percentage of commercial roofs are actually replaced using funds from an insurance claim. Why is this? We think it comes down to something as simple as education. Building owners either assume their roof can’t get damaged by hail and wind or they assume there’s no chance of an insurance claim with a positive outcome. We know how difficult it can be to work with insurance companies to get a fair payout for commercial insurance claims. Insurance companies are looking out for their own best interest and take advantage of people not being educated about their roof. Partnering with a roofing contractor and a public adjuster is the best way to ensure you get a positive outcome and the full claim amount from your commercial roof insurance claim. 

What is a Public Insurance Adjuster? 

Public insurance adjusters are the only property loss professionals who work on behalf of the policyholders. They are in many ways insurance to ensure your insurance company pays. PA’s help business owners document damage and file claims, and when claim amounts offered by insurance companies are low, or unfair, they step in and fight on your behalf. Public adjusters are professional damage experts, insurance experts, and expert negotiators that keep your insurance company honest. 

How to Build a Strong Case Before Contacting Your Insurance Company 

Before you contact your insurance company you need to build a strong case to ensure you get the payout you deserve. This involves building a case that is supported by industry experts. The first thing you should do if you think your roof could have been damaged by wind or hail is contact a trusted commercial roofing contractor – like Armour Roof Co..

We’ll come do a full inspection to look for signs of storm related damage. From there, we will set up a meeting between the us, the public adjuster, and the building owner. The public adjuster will review the owner’s insurance policy to see what is covered and determine the best course of action.

Then, the roofing contractor and public adjuster will work together to collect damage evidence for submittal. Finally, the PA will take the evidence, combine it with the terms of the owner’s insurance policy, estimate the dollar amount needed for roof replacement, and submit an irrefutable claim to the insurance company. 

Do You Really Need a Public Insurance Adjuster? 

You could try to submit a claim yourself, but why would you risk it? Without being an expert in commercial insurance and storm damage, your claim will more than likely be denied or severely underfunded. To protect your investment, the best thing you can do is partner with experts who will get you everything you’re entitled to. If you’re not getting paid when your building gets damaged, why are you paying for insurance in the first place? 

So What Does a Public Adjuster Cost?

When you partner with a roofing contractor and a public adjuster, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The beauty of this partnership is, you get a brand new roof for your building (and more!) for just the cost of your deductible. The public adjuster is paid based on a percentage of the total claim amount (they don’t get paid if you don’t get paid), and it comes from the contractor’s (Armour Roof Co.’s) budget. Again, you won’t pay a penny more than your deductible, and will get a brand new roof. Not only that, you will have saved yourself from the stress and headache from having to fight with your insurance company. 

If you think you might have damage or you’re thinking about filing a claim for your commercial roof, give us a call, and we’ll help you get an expedited claim and everything you’re owed. (402) 289-7869  


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